L.A. Street Food Fest 2014 (Pasadena, CA)

Last year, I had to miss L.A. Street Food Fest because I was out of town and it just nagged at me the whole year because I KNEW what I was missing… the best food event of the year!  So when the date was announced, I cleared my calendar and impatiently awaited the date.  🙂 […]

Tacolandia 2014 (Los Angeles, CA)

I headed to Tacolandia, an event held at the historic El Pueblo de Los Angeles.  There were unlimited tacos from 43 of L.A. and Mexico’s taco vendors, plus desserts, tequila, and mariachi music.  It was a hot day with lots of lines to stand in, so next year I’ll be sure to bring a few […]

Anaheim Packing District (Anaheim, CA)

I was really excited to head to Anaheim to see something completely new that I had been hearing rumors about for a while now: The Anaheim Packing District!  I had so much food that was really amazing.  But first, a bit about the building itself! It was actually converted from an old Sunkist packing house […]

Chronic Tacos (California & Canada)

On Memorial Day, we were having a lovely day off and decided to grab a quick dinner at Chronic Tacos!  It was started not far from where I live, so it is a very local chain for me! First, you pick your package, then you pick your protein, and then you add extras.  It’s always […]

Oaxacan Quesadilla Cart (Los Angeles, CA)

As we approached the entrance to The Echo Park craft fair, we saw a huge line for something and naturally assumed that it was the ticket line.  It ended up being the line for the Oaxacan Quesadilla Cart! Street food is awesome in L.A.!  The food truck craze across the U.S. started here and was inspired […]

Guisado’s (Los Angeles, CA)

Finally, we made our way from UniqueLA to Forage for delicious seasonal dishes and Brite Spot for dessert to our final destination: Guisado’s! I have to apologize in advance for some extremely  poor lighting, but I did a semi-decent job bringing some life into these pictures.  If you don’t believe me, I’ll send you the originals!  Without […]

Amor y Tacos (Cerritos, CA) #2

The last time I was here was less than a month ago, but I just had to return!  It was just after my woodworking class, and I was meeting two people for lunch.  It just happened that our paths converged on Amor Y Tacos!  Two of us independently thought of eating here, so it was kismet. […]

Amor y Tacos (Cerritos, CA)

I met with my friend after my night class and even though it was late at night, we grabbed a little to eat at a nearby restaurant I had heard of called Amor Y Tacos!  Coincidentally, she was there last week for a friend’s birthday, but I was dying to try it out.  Normally, we […]